

Over 48 HOURS SMOKE FREE!!!!!!!! we are now officially on the evening of day 3. it seems as though i've been invited out for drinks tonight. it feels like the first day over again. drinks... and no cigarette? *gulp* this is going to be a test, i'm sure of it. everyone said avoid coffee, and i did for the first day. but yesterday, i started drinking it again... so, bring on the drinks. i'm ready for the challenge. apparently, i can do anything!

i did bleach out the console of the car today, and finally felt brave enough to empty the ash tray in the car. it seems as though, i wasn't just a serious smoker, but i might've been quite a messy one. and there's this black gunk all over the inside of my car, on things i touch. like, the ceiling light in the car. i used almost half of a bleach spray bottle on the car. crazy! (and gross!)

i went and picked up lucy today and jon gave me a WHOLE BOX of nicotine gum. thanks!

so....... the whole experience so far has been tough... but not nearly as tough as i had imagined (or that so manyyyyyyyyyyy people had told me it would be).

what makes it easier is that i feel like i am winning. as each hour goes by, i'm actually doing this. ME!

totally listening to mantras over and over.... empowering and cleansing. perfect for what i'm doing with quitting, right?

Currently Listening To:
Donna De Lory: The Lover & The Beloved.

"govinda jay jay... jay govinda"


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