so... jon got back from his northern west coast gig and he and i decided to go hiking up on the top of Mt. Lemmon. i agreed to go because i'm on a kick to get back into shape, but mostly because i wanted to drive up the mountain. the drive was horrifying, but well worth it for the views.
then, we get to the parking lot. i don't know what i was thinking, but i had it in my head that we were seriously going for like a ten minute walk to look at trees and enjoy the far cooler temps at the high elevation. 20 minutes into the severe uphill CLIMB... i began to feel a ping of annoyance. i had clearly burned more than my planned ammount of calories for the day, and inquired quite seriously about when the hell we were done climbing..... jon assured me it was like 5 more minutes of uphill.
another 20 minutes later and i hate to say it but i was becoming irate as only an urban city dweller would get at this point. still hiking uphill.....
finally we came to what i can only describe as the peak of the mountain top. a lot of burnt trees. a few years ago a forest fire begun from some dumbasses' cigarette butt had ignited this place like a matchhead. the trees were charcoal. infact i pushed against one and it was like an old tooth... with any effort whatsoever i could have knocked the whole 20 foot tree over...
the view however was breathtaking, and the trading of the opressive heat of the desert vally floor for this incredible crisp misty breathable air was well worth it....
we continued on, only to come to a crossroads of sorts. a six way intersection of trails. because jon had hiked this trail before he did not bring a map. we spent the next hour on the phone with the rangers who weretrying to find out where we were. it was getting dark at this point, and anyone who lives near here has it drilled into their brains that mountain lions own this territory and we humans are fair game. being way up on this mountain top in the dark was a very very bad idea!
to make it worse, jon asked me to rip the sleeve off of my tshirt because he had to "leave his mark" on the mountain and needed to wipe.
who was this man. where was i? what was wrong with being fat. why in the name of god do we do things like this to ourselves. ---- as only christine lavin could put it... "what was i thinking..."
the rangers finally found us via a GPS on jons phone and guided us down the mountain. there was serious talk about us being air lifted by hellicopter if we were up there for very much longer. we were serious danger for our lives.
at this point i wouldn't have minded seeing a big pretty kitty tear a limb or two from his body... but alas nothing so exciting happened. we made it safely back to the car. me following, and staring hard thru the darkness to see the white of jons sneakers.
we made it back to the car and drove safely back to tucson where alchohol and something to eat was waiting for us.
i decided before i fell asleep that night that i was happy jon wasn't mangled by a mountain lion.
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