
ENTER 2008

gosh! it's been quite a new year so far... on the serious search for a new job. new years eve in bisbee... bonfires with jon and patty and co. seriously, it's been a very cool week!

i don't know about resolutions any longer... but i can list a few goals for 2008.

2007 i acomplished a lot. a pretty crazy year... a good one, and a bad one... depending on how i think of it. i drive now, i no longer work at denny's..

moving ahead though... 2008 (what i would like to acomplish this year)

1. i've quite had it with the restaurant industry. if however, i've created an environment where i am making money by waiting, and succeeding in school.. then i'm okay with it.

2. some sort of weight loss...

3. self image/esteem... this is a vague entry that should also be at the top of my list. perhaps i could do anything, and i need to stop thinking i'm held back by whatever excuse it is i use...

at any rate - happy new year.

i really hope 2008 is super super great! (short notice.. it's all i've got folks LOL)



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