

yay! just a really bad sound quality leak, but a leak none the same of madonna's new single "4 minutes to save the world" showed up online. having my morning coffee in my robe which definetly is a sign that a new week has begun. i think hannah is working for me tomorrow so i can go drop off some applications. i love my job, most of the time, but it's just in no way enough money for me right now in my life.

jon helped me with the living room wall. it's not done, but it's well on the way. i imagine one day that i will live in a place that does not have even ONE white wall in it. i will of course then go to other people's homes and envy quietly the normalcy of their white walls.

actually, fat chance of that ever happening.

have been going over old diaries for inspiration for songs for my new album.

the kittens are endless joy and entertainment. tentative names are as follows... the baby calico who looks just like her mother is named Casey. The black and white one that looks just like Sirius, but is not his... is named Sam. The orange ball of fluff, is named officially Jakob Blue. Jake is soooo cute. He's quite the litteral ball of orange puff. When he runs he sorta hops over things instead of jumps. It is hardly gracefull and the fact that he's orange, and rather round makes the hoping thing all the more endearing and terrific.

Let's see... it was kind of a low-key weekend. Went out for drinks on Saturday night. Nothing special. Just a Saturday. I really do wish for an exciting ---- something. Weekend soon.

Classes are at night - the ones that i want to take - next semester and so it's time for a day job. Wish me luck with that one, my babies.

Well... The "4 minutes to save the world" leak is my most exciting news, and it's not even mine, it's Madonnas... so i'll close. Have a fab week yall.


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