
wireless internet is an incredible thing! here i am, tonight, blogging from my bed... sirius laying on my feet, all comfy in bed....

so, i guess i was thinking... i wanted to express how happy i am latley. how happy any person should be with goals in mind.. with a LOT of goals in mind. not just dreams... dreams are pretty, and usually something along the lines of farytales - however, let's not diss dreams, they're a wonderful first step - but i'm talking goals. i'm talking it's gonna take a lot of hard work, and it's gonna be worth it, coz i'm not gonna give up till it's done, goals...

new york, whether i am surrounded by familiar faces, or i am going there alone. just me, i am still going there, because it is what i want to do with MY life. if i seem oddly differently latley, it's because i've realised i actually have one. i have in my hands, a life. a living breathing life: me. and i get to do with that, what i will. it is the one thing i must take care of.

to tell you the truth everybody; I AM SICK TO DEATH OF MY DARK PERIOD. i'm tired of hearing myself moan and bitch about how dissatisfied i am. so, really... you're gonna step aside. it's me time.

does that sound selfish? good. bout fuckin' time - don't you think, mom?

i love you all more than words can say. up and past the sky.


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