
mmmmmmmm...... 1:02 in the a.m.

seth has gone to bed. i live, still, in the living room... couldn't sleep. who knows what tomorrow brings... that's supposed to be some song title somewhere, but it's so generic i don't know...

so i landed a job today. infact i landed two. they both called within minuites of one-another. i took the big d's... of course, and so i'll start there on monday. it'll be nice to have money again, and first thing, i'm fixing the ole lap toppy.

the cat is sleeping joyfully in the papasan chair... the boyfriend is off in dreamland (wherever the hell that is for him...) and i, at the computer documenting my life. so much to feel, so little to report. must keep that in perspective. is carrie moving to london? damn that bitch.


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