

ok... so if you don't count work tonight, i've got about 4 hours before my mom touches down in tucson.

#1 laundry... i've got the most vile amout of dirty laundry to complete in about an hour!

#2 the bedroom - yeah, not done at all!

#3 i only had the weekend to prepare

#4... so, i got distracted saturday by dirty dancing: havana nights... where i spent most of the day pretending i was dancing with latin boys throughout my apartment and we were angry but hopefull for and at the revolution (it was a bit twisted..)

#5... the bathroom - OMG THE BATHROOM!!!!

#6.... why am i blogging? seriously - i have to haul butt...

#7... i AM SO SUPER INTO ANTJE DUVEKOT! you guys need to check her out! she's great!



i made it - barely to the weekend!! yay! ...but i am alive and here i am in the midst of a very nice saturday where i'm more than okay with being isolated for the whole day (year!). it's an odd place to be, but i'm pretty sure it's a normal human thing to recognize that you need some alone time - and you've no desire - WHAT SO EVER - to connect to ANY of the rest of the human race just for a day.

so, keep out - bitches. just for today (muah)



So... it's monday, is it? seems we go through so many of these in our lives that we'd finally get the hang of mondays. so why am i in a daze? why do i wish to crawl back into bed and sleep for another 45 minutes and then wake up... no shower, throw on some jeans and a tshirt and go for a drive... it's sunny and warm out. I could roll down the windows and pretend it's sunday....

but the calender will have none of that. it insists that it is monday and i must be in a bit of a daze... and take my butt to work and let that happen to me. blah.

gimme more.



well... it's been fun but today, it's back to work. i've got an awful lot of money to make this semester so, even though, i wouldn't mind another week or so off... got to do what you got to do.

so let's see... i'm also in the market to drop some extra weight that i've gained during the last few months or so. i don't really have a plan, except to be a lot smarter about what i eat. that sounds like it's set right up for success. haha. actually i'm looking into gyms. that's the plan. that doubled with the smart eating idea...

but anyway... that's all the time i've got for now. goodbye vacation! i loved you.



well... gosh! today was a good day on the big scale! i got a 3.0 last semester (i'm very okay with this)... i am eligible to apply for financial aid for the fall semester which means... i can take about 6 credits this semester and then just become a full time student (part time worker) starting in the fall!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! my associates degree is like, right there dangling in front of me!!!!!!!

me, with a degree??? YES!!!!!!!!!



today is interview #1 in the great job search. who ever gets the first job they apply for!? well.. technically it was the 2nd one but...

it's just a serving job, but in order to even get the interview with the general manager which i have today in 1.5 hours... i had to go through this very SAT-type test thing... math, vocab... (WTF)... well, needless to say, i passed the dang thing and so now i've got myself into this interview thing... which i'm clearly not getting ready for (blogging and drinking coffee... haha)

anywayz... wish me luck!

"we can get down like there's noone around..."


ENTER 2008

gosh! it's been quite a new year so far... on the serious search for a new job. new years eve in bisbee... bonfires with jon and patty and co. seriously, it's been a very cool week!

i don't know about resolutions any longer... but i can list a few goals for 2008.

2007 i acomplished a lot. a pretty crazy year... a good one, and a bad one... depending on how i think of it. i drive now, i no longer work at denny's..

moving ahead though... 2008 (what i would like to acomplish this year)

1. i've quite had it with the restaurant industry. if however, i've created an environment where i am making money by waiting, and succeeding in school.. then i'm okay with it.

2. some sort of weight loss...

3. self image/esteem... this is a vague entry that should also be at the top of my list. perhaps i could do anything, and i need to stop thinking i'm held back by whatever excuse it is i use...

at any rate - happy new year.

i really hope 2008 is super super great! (short notice.. it's all i've got folks LOL)
