
1 + 2 = 5 ?

work work work work work... the balance - the mathematic equation that works for maintaining a social life and a rigorus work life is completly lost on me... and so i find myself - after staying put in the same town for longer than i ever would have before.... getting more and more of both sides of it. social life... and work.

i'm proud of both. i've worked hard for both...

and i'm sooo sooo tired =)) it should all be quite horrible. but it's actually satisfying.

...and now, school starts again on the 23rd - yikes!

...mom had a minor stroke. didn't tell me about it for a few months. must work on letting people know i've a capacity much greater than i let on. not to mention... family first, right?

my thoughts tonight to my mom.
to seth, who found a growth.
to terisita, who found a growth.
to lori, who found a growth.

yes, i'm scared but i am hopefull and sure of each of you.


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