do people ever put their laundry in the dishwasher? i'm currently doing dishes right now, and the low hum of the washer is making me think...
it's not like i'm on skid. my complex has a great 24 hour laundry facility... but... what if it didn't? what if i was too lazy to walk down to the laundry room?
...i'll let you all know. i'd like to say that i'm more mature than actually going through with it, but... all i can see is this scene out of a movie where this tsunami of soap bubbles comes barreling at me and little man through my apartment. hehe...
ahh christmas... christmas came and went. christmas eve, i spent with ron out at the casino. they had this icons show. a bunch of drag queens doing madonna, cher, beyonce... nat king cole (?)... it was okay. got pretty boozed up. a jolly time, indeed.
christmas day, i worked during the day time. this world sometimes leaves me standing there in shock. people were jerks to us. impatient, lousey loser human beings.
really, if you're reading this... if you go into a restuarant on christmas day... as long as you actually get your food... shut your stupid mouths! honestly, i'm just asking for one day a year here, people. turn your shit off, and shut the f*k up.
now, that i have that out of my system.
i was pretty let down by the human race, and so when i got out of work around 2pm... i came straight home, and opened up a bottle of red wine, i had waiting, just in case this situation came up.
the wine was gone in like 20 minutes.
next thing i knew it was 230am. i had been invited to spend christmas day with my neoboyfriends family... but i let them to their own selves... and wished for my own family.
i made a very serious vow to myself this christmas day, that i will never do this again. that i will from here on out spend the days i feel are important, the way that I want to spend them.
ie. no more stupid ass hungry people (who probably weren't even that hungry... just lacking any sort of manners... or sense, with no respect for other human beings...) on christmas for me.
and infact, i think i myself will boycott open establishments on christmas day from here on out.
moving on... last night was a great night. went out with some friends, drank forever and ever and ever... and then we decided we'd smoke some pot out of a pear.
cause why not...
you put a group of waiters together, who got their asses kicked on christmas day... and TRY and tell them, smoking a bit of pot, and laughing, is wrong.
go ahead, i dare you.
anyway... so this is Pearl. she likes tori amos and close intimate get togethers with her friends. her aspirations include being juiced and included in a fruit salad when she gets older.
looking very much forward to vacation, starting friday. going to mesa/phoenix to booze it up on mill ave. for new years, and a trip up to flagstaff, and possibly out to havasu city, az to see the london bridge. (if that makes no sense to you, look it up... it's pretty cool.)
anyway, to you all, happy new year!
may it blow 2005 way the hell out of the water!!!
*********UPDATE!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!! i'm up in Flagstaff right now. having a great vacation so far boozin it up with a bunch of new people. flag is a pretty cool town. nice to visit but seriously, wouldn't wanna live here full time.
new years was fun. ron, me, ron's brother, and his bro's roomie went to mill ave. in tempe. do you know, the dropped a big-ass Tostada Chip into a bowl of dip all new york ball dropping about it!!!
it was fun actually. lots of drinks and an irish pub. good times.
last night we stayed at the hotel monte vista. if you've been to flag, you know what i'm talking about. the big lit up hotel sign. yup, that one. supposedly it's haunted... and i dunno about that, but it for real was kinda creepy. we stayed in the bob hope sweet. it was fun.
now we're at bry's and kickin back for a night after a few drinks with some native-lesbians down at a local pub.
i'm good, guys. as for you: enjoy your new year!