
Dig deeper, deeper, this time.

i'm red-doing my house. i think everyone knows that. had stopped operation for a while when i took off for New York, but... i'm back at it. Well... i ripped up the old carpet that was in the den - which is now my bedroom since the "Great Divide." under the carpet was the rough looking linolium (yikes, what a word!) that you see in the picture to your left. today, i was sweeping up some of the chips of paint from the wall to kinda get the dust down a bit in there and saw that there was a little hole in the linolium, which i had originally mistaken for the bottom - original floor... well, i peeled it back a bit - and, as you can see BEAUTIFUL DARK HARDWOOD FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! keep on looking for what you want. if you go deep enough and far enough - you'll find it! and don't let anybody tell you to stop. follow your gut. be who you are. ---that's what i've learned today. this ugliness is the facade. what really is (when i tell the story) is just a whole lot of beautiful stuff, just waiting to be found. don't give up.

i already love this floor =) can you tell!!


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