


so, touching back down in tucson after close to a month in southern Maine, i knew i needed some changes in my life.

Weather it turns out that i just stay this final semester in Arizona, or if i stay longer, it was clear even before final touch down that things were not working here. Drastic measures were to be taken.

First on the list? Quitting smoking of course (isn't it always?)... So, i dropped menthol cigarettes and went to normal cigarettes. thought in my head that this was a great step towards quitting....

AND THEN........ because they're watching me through little cameras in all of my cigarette packs i haven't discarded yet (i'm kidding...) camel comes out with CAMEL CRUSH. normal cigarette, except it has a little cappsul in it that if you pop it, the cigarette becomes a menthol. CUSTOM made for a confused smoker such as myself. with it's fab black and blue pack, i had to buy it.

and so........ those big changes. maybe a haircut?

ION New Orleans is under siege once again by gustov. Boarding up of windows and our government all over that shit (certaintly not because of an election coming up). Mental note to all minority groups: if you are to have serious crisis', have them on an election year.

good luck to NO.


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