

today we woke up smiling at each other. coffee and juice and the onto our days. he up to phoenix with the guys.

me, to my homework, and - excuse me, but when did saturday turn into laundry day (ick)? i rummaged around thrift shops this morning, looking for work clothes and maybe a good book. i love the titles of books. i always choose books based on their titles. i'll pick it up if i like the title and read the discription on the back and then decide if that's the one or not.

never by author, always by title.

bought a digital voice recorder today. i'll tell everyone it's for school, but i'm totally into EVP's right now. i could use a good spook. might be my first step, also, in recording again. it's a bigger step than i've made in about 6 years.

i lived in portland, maine when i recorded "no more love." and that was before i moved to florida, or EVER stepped one foot in new york city for more than a day or so.

i wish i could find copies of those old recordings. that'd be sooo cool to go through them all now.

cringe at what i had sounded like, or impressed with what i had created.

anyway - i'm stalling. i'm off to finish my essay now.


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